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maandag 13 juni 2011

Hessian - Hessian 2011

 listen to Torch by Hessian

Another addition to the streak of belgian bands pushing the envelope! Hessian (facebook) is a metalpunk/crust-influenced hardcore band (not unlike all pigs must die, trap them, cursed, black breath or rise and fall). The band features the drummer from The Black Heart Rebellion/Kingdom and the vocalist from Losing Streak (RIP), for as far as I can link the members to other musical projects. Strangely, it’s the vocals that first kept me at bay. They worked very well in Losing Streak, which was an oldschool hardcore band, because of their angry and raspy sound, but I felt that made them fall through the cracks of this crafty music. Now that I’ve seen them a few times and listened to the entire record, I feel they’re just as much an essential part of the music as the thoight drums (DAJ-JUM)  and eclectic metal guitars. I became a fan! Give it a few spins before you decide you’d never be.
Last fm tags as metallic hardcore, real metalcore, hardcore, metal, punk

click the image above to buy their merch!

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