Embrace by The Hope And The Failure
The Hope And The Failure is the name of a band that got split up because of deportation regulations. Which is the most fucked up reason for a band-breakup ever. Sonic Youth’s guitarist and vocalist get divorced and that even gets Belgian tv-broadcast on the news. Some poor sucker gets denied a simple formality by some white-collar fuckups and suddenly this band loses a key-member! Anyway, wether you’d call them defunct, on hiatus or in a temporary setback, The Hope And The Failure (myspace) is a Scandinavian band with a lot of post- rock and hardcore influences and intense female screamo vocals at the climax that built up from spoken word in the build-ups. The lyrics are on the verge of too dramatic, straight-forward and cheesy, but who can blame anyone who’s not a native english speaker yet has english lyrics.